Hard money loans are easier to get than traditional loans, but that doesn't mean that getting qualified is as simple as just asking for the money. Here are five tips that can help you to get your loan more quickly.
Hard Money Tip #1: Start with the Right Lender
Not every hard money lender is the same. They vary in quality and in terms, so choosing the right one is important. The best firms in the industry offer quick turnarounds, decision times, reasonable rates, and terms that leave more than enough room for you to invest profitably. They are typically backed by multiple private investors who understand what you're trying to do since they are also looking to gain from the real estate investment market themselves.
Hard Money Tip #2: Choose the Right Property
Hard money loans aren't right for every property. Your lender has one primary concern -- getting back the money it lends you. To this end, it will usually look to make loans on properties that leave you with opportunities to make a significant profit. If you can earn a significant return on a property, it becomes much more likely that you will be able to afford to pay off the loan.
Hard Money Tip #3: Have the Right Documentation
Just because hard money lenders don't require the same exact data as a traditional lender, doesn't mean that they won't want some information on you and on the property you are purchasing. Practices vary between lenders, but they may require an appraisal on the property, documentation of your assets, tax returns, or other information.
Hard Money Tip #4: Contribute Real Equity
Private lenders are as much partners to their borrowers as they are lenders. One of the ways that they partner with you is by requiring you to put your own money into the property that you purchase. Many hard money lenders require higher down payments than a traditional bank lender would. If you want to secure a hard money loan, you should be ready to put as much as 25 or 30 percent down.
Hard Money Tip #5: Meet the Lender's Timeframes
One of the biggest benefits of going with a hard money loan is the speed of execution. Hard money lenders can typically move more quickly and fund your loan in weeks or days instead of months. However, to achieve a fast closing, your lender needs you to get the information it needs quickly and on time.