The takeaway from this February 2017 article is that the West Coast is not a great place for buying a home, the reason being galloping prices. Even if the rate of increase slows somewhat, other factors are at play in determining whether renting or buying will dominate in 2018.
How to Invest in California Real Estate Without a Ton of Savings
Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Dec 26, 2017Investing in real estate is a great way to build long-term wealth and also to generate some short-term cash flow. In the state of California, those that have invested in real estate have continued to see improvements in rental rates as well as appreciation in value. Unfortunately, many people find that it can be difficult to acquire their first property due to the high cost of real estate. For those that are looking to invest in California real estate, there are several ways to start investing even if you do not have a lot of money upfront.
Buy and Hold: 7 Improvements That Make Your Property More Rentable
Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Dec 12, 2017In some cases, you aren't buying your house just to turn around flip it. You might want to rent it out instead. There are several improvements that will make your house more rentable, increasing its appeal to tenants and letting them know that renting from you is a great way to feel more at home.
Sometimes, you just need a fix and flip house to sell fast. Maybe you've ended up in over your head, and making the payments is costing you more than you expected. Perhaps you don't want the house hanging over your head anymore. Whatever the case, when you need a house to sell fast, these strategies can help you get in the hands of a new buyer as soon as possible.
Getting into the house flipping business offers its fair share of rewards but it also does not come without any risks. If you are new to flipping homes, then it can be tempting to taking on multiple projects all at once. While you may feel like you are missing out on a deal on a home, staggering multiple flips will help to ensure that your business has longevity.
When you purchase a house or other property to rent out, you're often reliant on the tenants to make sure that the bills get paid on time. Their rent may take care of the mortgage, provide money for repairs to the property, and help increase your available savings so that you have the money for other projects in your arsenal. Unfortunately, if your tenants don't pay their rent on time, that means you won't have the funds you need! Learning how to make sure tenants pay their rent on time is an important part of being a landlord.
When you first started fixing and flipping houses, you faced a familiar set of problems: raising the initial capital; learning how to evaluate what a house is worth; making the connections that would allow you to work effectively and efficiently on changing the property for the better. As your fix and flip business grows, however, a number of new problems will begin to emerge.
If you are looking to get into the real estate game, many people believe that fix and flip is the way to go. If this is a strategy you are considering, it is important to do your homework. The best information about fixing and flipping comes from those who are doing it and are successful. Here is some of the best advice from famous fix and flippers you should try to emulate.
There are plenty of myths about the fix and flip property business that leave plenty of people scratching their heads. Whether you've been in the business for years or you've just embarked on the journey with your first investment property, some of these myths may seem all too familiar. Some, you've already run up against. Others, you might still be waiting to encounter.
Two SoCal Property Management Companies Who Can Help You Find Good Tenants
Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Jun 27, 2017If you've decided to rent your property instead of selling, finding a qualified and responsible tenant is crucial to making a profit. If your property sits too long without a tenant, or between tenants, then you lose money. Since time is money, you need to move on to your next property, whether that's finding one or beginning the renovations on it. You don't have time to screen tenants. That's where Property Management companies come to your rescue. Of course, not all property management companies were created equally. So, which one should you trust with your property? Below you'll find two excellent SoCal property management companies who can help you find the best tenants.