Starting your own fix and flip business is an exciting yet daunting process and it can feel overwhelming sometimes. At Trust Deed Capital, we want to make sure that your fix and flip business succeeds and makes incredible profits. So, here are four tips, gleaned from the helpful advice of professional house flipper Justin Williams, to ensure a smooth start to your fix and flip project.
It does not matter whether you are getting ready for your 20th flip or your first, there is always new information to learn about the business. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources online and in print that help you stay up to date with all of the new techniques and trends in house flipping. These are five of our favorite resources that you can use to expand your knowledge.
Finding good deals is a concern for real estate investors throughout the country. That concern is more acute in places like California, where the inventory of good investment properties is low and the prices for those properties are stratospheric. Seasoned investors will tell you that you can find good deals anywhere, including among the dwindling home inventory in California. You just need more persistence and creativity to find those deals.
What do Private or Hard Money Lenders look for when evaluating your loan?
Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Sep 19, 2017Did you recently spot a property you wanted to buy but didn't know how you could get it financed? Depending on your financial situation, you may want to consider using a hard money lender since they can give you a quick loan to finance the real estate deal.
When you decide that you're going to buy a fix and flip property, you're undertaking an investment venture. While highly rewarding in many ways, fixing and flipping properties is not a task to take on uninformed. If you're ready to start your fix and flip property journey, make sure you know these things before you get started.
When you first started fixing and flipping houses, you faced a familiar set of problems: raising the initial capital; learning how to evaluate what a house is worth; making the connections that would allow you to work effectively and efficiently on changing the property for the better. As your fix and flip business grows, however, a number of new problems will begin to emerge.
Does Your Credit Score Matter When Dealing with a Hard Money Lender?
Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Aug 22, 2017New to the flipping business? The questions are sometimes as daunting as making that first purchase for flipping. The next big question, are hard money lenders in California really that concerned with your credit score? You will have a need for quick turnaround hard cash on the course of your growth in housing renovation and resales. Understanding what the lenders are looking for is a critical step in getting those loans.
If you are wondering how many flips you should have going at the same time, the correct answer lies within your experience, and your ability to anticipate and solve the many problems that can arise. Flipping houses is not a risk-free operation, by any means. While strict observation of tried-and-proven guidelines can help your success rate, that rate will vary from person to person based on the skills that you have developed, and the way that you apply them.
When you're purchasing a house to fix up and flip, you want to be sure that you're making a sound investment. At first, you may need advice from a few consultants--building inspectors, for example--to determine the approximate cost of fixing up a house. A few simple tricks, however, will allow you to quickly ballpark the repair costs of your flip in order to determine whether or not it will be a good investment for you without bringing in an inspector before you're committed to the purchase.
If you are looking to get into the real estate game, many people believe that fix and flip is the way to go. If this is a strategy you are considering, it is important to do your homework. The best information about fixing and flipping comes from those who are doing it and are successful. Here is some of the best advice from famous fix and flippers you should try to emulate.