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Hard Money Lender Investors

Ken Meyer

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5 Tips About Security Deposits

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Nov 06, 2018

Handling security deposits is an important part of your job as a landlord--but how should you deal with them? What are they for, really? There are several key things to keep in mind when you're dealing with security deposits.

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3 Compelling Reasons to Invest in California Real Estate

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Oct 30, 2018

If you're looking for ways to broaden your investment portfolio, you should explore the possibility of purchasing a few pieces of California real estate. Investing in real estate, particularly a rental property, is often a good method for generating a steady passive income and also adds a large, tangible asset to your investment portfolio. There are a few good reasons to purchase a piece of property as an investment, including:

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Top 8 Cheapest Property Improvements You can Make

Posted by Ken Meyer on Wed, Oct 24, 2018

If you want to increase the value of your property, but you don't want to make a big investment, there are many inexpensive tricks that you can use to increase your return on investment. Here are 8 things that you should consider doing before selling or renting your property.

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The Quickest Ways to Get a Hard Money Loan in California

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Oct 16, 2018

Whether it is a fix and flip or a cash flow property, real estate investing is addictive. Many real estate investors are constantly on the lookout for financing to purchase the perfect property at a great price, and then turn that excellent purchase decision into profit.

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Is a Hard Money Loan the Right Choice for Your Investment Property?

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Oct 09, 2018

Real estate investment is a capital hungry endeavor from the initial property purchase through to renovations and repairs. Maintaining adequate capital reserves is of the utmost importance, but for some investors finding the right source for funding is a challenge. Traditional banks and other lenders have strict guidelines and focus on an individual's credit history as a main criteria for credit worthiness. They are also bound by the rules set forth by the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 which was enacted in response to the financial and housing crisis. What's more, the loan application and approval process can be slow, which doesn't always work well for investors.

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5 Secrets to Becoming a Successful Landlord

Posted by Ken Meyer on Mon, Sep 24, 2018

Being a landlord is a complicated job and the responsibilities seem endless. But being a great landlord is key to your success as an entrepreneur and investor. So what does it take to be a successful landlord? While every person and situation is different, there are a few things all successful landlords have in common.

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5 Features of Old Homes You Shouldn't Change

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Sep 18, 2018

If you are thinking about buying and renting out an old home, you may be tempted to update it. However, you should think carefully about what to update...and what to leave unchanged. Obviously, you should replace bad wiring and improve the air conditioning, but here are some features you should leave untouched:

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5 Necessary Maintenance Items to Keep Rentals Running Smoothly

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Sep 11, 2018

Your rental property is an important investment--and like any investment, you need to pay close attention to it in order to keep things moving smoothly. If you have a rental property, make sure you're taking care of the basic maintenance necessary to leave your property in great shape. Not only will this help attract better tenants, it will increase the odds that the tenants in the property will take better care of it.

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The 5 Best Books on Real Estate Investment

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Sep 04, 2018

Real estate investment is a tricky subject that requires knowledge, expertise and excellent execution. Fortunately, anyone can move from a novice to an experienced investor by doing a deal or two and reading several books to make sure they do not make any major mistakes. There are 5 books in particular which are especially useful.

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4 Simple Methods for Improving Your Tenant Screening Process

Posted by Ken Meyer on Tue, Aug 21, 2018

Your tenant screening process is one of the biggest steps in protecting your property and your investment. You want to end up with great tenants who will stay with you long-term, pay their rent on time, and take great care of the property. Do you need to improve your tenant screening process, especially after a bad renter? Try some of these strategies.

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